I was just wonderin if anyone here has a rat buggy on the road registered. I recently purchased "PHAT RAT"'s buggy and would just like to know if
anyone could tell me how they went about in registering it.
Also, does anyone perhaps know if off road tyres would be suitable enough for daily driving or street tyres as safer?
ok....is this long wheel base? if so i cant see you having any problems registering it u will need engineers for the rat buggy body etc do u have
these? if not then get them and go see DOT.
if its short wheel base then u have to either have proof of previous registration in your state for 3 years i think it is......or an engineers cert
saying that the buggy was engineered back when it was legal to have modifyed chassis etc. if u dont have 1 of these u are pretty screwed.
as for the tyres if they are offroad tyres the will hum a bit at high speeds but i cant see any problems using them for daily driving i mean heaps of
people drive their 4bies to work during the week.
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bugsy, send me a U2U and we can talk on the phone. I can give you the help you need to get it registered.
Phat rat, bit sad you didn't keep this car, oh well...your loss bugsy's gain.
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yep that's the go phat rat.
your missus not like the rat eh?
Hi bugsy, Give me a call, I'll u2u you my phone no.
ay guys sorry i havent replied to any of yas. Still tryin to get used to thiswhole thing but hope u all had a good xmas and shall speak to u all soon
How ya goin guys. Just got back from america and project buggy is officially off the ground. She's goin in the mechanics on monday for all repairs needed and then ill just be waiting for the rego papers to come in from Steve
hey pete this is Bugsy here with steve's rat buggy. I was jus wonderin if perhaps sometime soon i could come check out your beach buggy for inspiration. Ive seen your website and it looks magic
bugsy...did ya recevie the paperwork?
Hey Bugsy,
sure, I can come round or we'll meet up or somethin, where abouts are you located?
ay steve ive got the papers and read through them, shame it fell through. However, ive got hold of an engineer that will most likely write the bug up so maybe i might have the buggy up within the next month or 2 depending on the length of inspection time
Hi everyone how yas all goin? Just thought i'd giv an update on how project rat buggy is comin along. All new brakes hav been installed, master
cylinder and brake cylinders. Ive also had the engine cleaned and new tinware put on, clutch cable etc etc.
Ive also found dat d rollbar on it is no longer wit current ADR regulations so it must be modified wit side protrusion bars and a larger flange fitted
on both sides of d base for stronger reinforcement.
Seats are also under way wit d buggy jus having trouble finding seats that will sit low enuf under the windscreen for d custom seat runners being
Ill hopefully hav a chance to get some fotos up once shes on d road, at d moment cosmetics of the rat r still standard as of yet until i can turn my
"dust buggy" into a beach buggy.
Anyways more updates to come soon, and pete ill try n catch up wit u to see ur buggy for inspiration as soon as shes on d road. ENGINEERS REPORT
SHOULD BE DONE SOON TOO!.....once all d work is done hehe. but if anyone has any suggested comments bout cosmetics or engine work or anythin of any
matter feel free to post them as id greatly appreciate eitha compliments or comments on wat can b done to d rat buggy. One thing id really b needing
at dis time is someone who can do interiors including a torneo cover as cheap as possible as uni students r neva ones too strong in d financial
Sorry for makin this such a long post but just got excited in the spur of the moment with the rats progress, anyway hope to hear from u all soon
Think a Rat owner is doing a Subaru engine conversion. He had his own web page and had converted the headlights to twin round ones. You may find it if you do a search.
Yeah that'd be me
Good luck with it bugsy, if you have any queries, I'm only too happy to help.. Only cosmetic things i can think of is either something like what I
did, or have you seen the lowrider yellow one from the uk with the moulded in headlights? That doesnt look too bad.
thanx mate, i really like ur ratbuggy by d way and am very keen to see it hopefully one day. If its down at d vw nationals (which i hope) ill b sure
to have a look at it.
d buggy at moment is doin quite well, a set of autotechnica bucket seats r in d process of goin in at d moment which i dun find confident becoz a guy
of 5'11" like myself has a bit of struggle keepin his head undaneath d windscreen hehe.
howeva i also hav a '57 chev undaway which should hav work started on it hopefully soon which my dad may hav generously donated to me (not 100% sure
yet) but ill always remain a faithful vee dubber an will not go to rest until my rat has had its fair go on d road soon!
As soon as d rat has been fully legalised as a roadworthy vehicle i am definitely going to post some pics of my lil beast.
Thanks all and keep on dem DUBS!!! Specially mr andy with his extremely sensational rat!
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