Hey fellow vee dubbers, i was surfing google images for an example picture of a new beetle (even though i prefer the classic) and it came to my
amazement that I had found a picture of the new VW beetle beach/dune buggy. Its pretty schnazzy.
Heres the link:
By the looks of the roof, its a convertible and take a look at the rims. WOW!
I wouldn't mind that, but im not sure whether its available in Australia or what the price is.
But would you really want such a beautiful car with fresh, sexy interior (excuse my WiErD description) that you would most likely ruin after a play at
the beach. [You know, sand on the car's floor, salt water on the seats from your wet ass etc. etc.] Maybe if they made it look exteriorly the same,
buy interiorly wise into being highly resistant in sand and water damage.
I dunno, anyways, enjoy this image of the Beetle beach buggy.
Ay, i just found some more info to add.
Well, it turns out it is only a concept at the moment, but it looks f-n awesome. Here is a link with all the images:
Holy Cow!!!!!! I wouldn't mind that.
i like this one better.
I'm with you manx xtc
Yeah, i posted up a picture of that Red VW buggy earlier in this forum. Are they going to start production anytime though? (Even though it is a concept)