Anyone got any DVDs of buggies in action? I'd love to borrow some, eg buggy cruises, beach work, etc...especially if it is of Aussie buggies.
Being new to the buggy 'crowd' I need to educate both myself and the family......definate promise to return any materiel lent to me. Thanks!
There are still some of these down at COR. Give em a call, it's a good DVD.
send a u2u to secoh...he will send ya something
bloody good too....:thumb
Whilst only relating to South Aussie competitions events (ie racing, not beach or cruise) content, you could try:
Nick Galliford is the son of one of the drivers, and has been doing DVDs of events for the past year or so. There's some great ariel shots in the
Baroota 05 DVD.