half way home, clutch pedal goes to the floor so i drove the last few km through town by timing gear changes with a blip of the throttle.
thought the shortening kit i made had let go or cable had snapped, outside chance the hook on the pedal snapped off or hole the hook goes into
but alas, its none of the above. it seems like the welds holding the clutch cable tube inside the tunnel have snapped. doh.
i dont suppose theres any quick fixes?? other wise i will dig up the cut open pan internet page that, was it old dubber, put up and try and access the
right spots (holes in tunnell, eek) to spot some new mig slugs down.
oh well.... :jesus
Bummer dude.....one of them is just near the handbrake, one near the clutch pedal, and the other one is near the coupling....have fun
found it thanks to Old Dubber.
cut a square hole on the dr side upper side of the tunnel and then weld the tube back on. You can make a plate to go over it for the next clutch/pedal drama or just weld it back up. If you go the plate direction you need to put some extra metal strips around the edges to stop it weakening the pan.
now is a good time to go hydraulic :P :thumb
I just put one in the bin ! ( its iat the bottom ) & I am NoT going through it , baby nappys and shit like that in there !
It could always be those poxy clips that hold the thrust (throw-out) bearing in place. They cost about a dollar but you have to remove the bloody engine just to get at them!!
clutch would not go to the floor if the clips came off the thrust bearing.... i had this happen to me last year and pedal still had full travel... just no clutch operation - thrust bearing had somehow repositioned itself behind one of the arms that move it.
i've only just got back onto the buggy given i've been busy doing other things (dirtbike last weekend).
front clutch cable tube mount was fine so i popped the cover off the rear of the tunnell where the id numbers are and, what do you know, its just the
rear weld that has let go. yay, easily accesoble, 5 second job.
so off i go down to a friends place to have him lay a slug of mig only to find he's just found and acquired a complete and pretty good cond
countrybuggy body (no major welding required!!!) to which he can apply his existing CB running gear he already has. cant wait to see it going...
so, after clutch was welded, i go down his back paddock for a "test" (fang) only to have the arm that pulls the accel cable on the LH side of the
pan has had its insert slip. it aint actuating the cable no more.
fortunatly i found a stick which i coiuld use to "push" the accell cable with my left hand so i could limp back to the shed for another 5second
glad it happened there and not 10miles up a beach with buggy eating soft sand.
so now should be right for an australia day beach fang.