ive got a set of baja side bars but my running board bolt holes are all cactus from being open for so long. threads are all gone and a couple have
sheared off bolts stuck in them.
do you weld them on normally?
i also dont have a roll cage so what sort of bracing should i have in the rear QTRs for the upper mounts to attach to?
anyone? brad? andrew?
You called young fella,
For your bottom mounts you'll have to adapt something off of your body mount bolts and for your top mounts which i asume are a flat plate with two
bolts each then just remove your inside trim panel and fit a large 50mm x 3mm between the inner side of your body skin and the nuts .
I bolted mine to the stock running board holes. I have a 2 inch body lift so I then made little braces that run down to the edge of the pan. I didn't
like the bolt through the body look.
thanks guys.
i guess i better get those holes drilled and tapped.
what sort of a place does drilling and tapping?
probably cheaper to buy a drill and tap and do it yourself. Or some easy outs.
thats the way i was putting them on my baja ,where the nuts were missing i drilled them out and put nutserts in there
nut serts. good idea pod. i shall get onto this
wheres a good place to buy some nutserts and a tool?
are they expensive?
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Those bolt holes on the side for the running board....
If you set it up there, should those bars easily take the full weight of ones body weight bouncing on them? genuine question, trying not to be silly.
always been wondering.
I you have a lift kit and have diagonal braces running down like I do, then yes they will take the weight of a person. If you are only using the running board bolts and channel, then I highly doubt it.
If your going to use diagonal top mounts to the body, even with a large plate inside sandwiching the panel, the fisrt time you hit the side bars on a
rock/stump/tree/wash out etc it is goig to fold your panel in! Consider what side bars are really for - to stop a log/tree from slamming into you
rear wheel as your sliding sideways around a corner and generally having fun in a baja
Baja Wes's are a good alternative or even better invest in a simple roll cage and attach the internal plate to that. That way its all braced and the
load is transfered to the bar work.
By the way how did you attach your rear bar work?
Gday all Anthiron thers a company out beewah glasshouse way called notjust bolts. lady called Bernadette on 0418871304 they delivered to me in
I had the diagonal braces up the side panels and where they bolted though the insides I replaced the bar that holds the back seat in with a tube
welded between the 2 sides (if that makes sence?)
As for the nutserts I got mine at rockpress in rocklea, there phone number is 3275 1566. cost me bit over $30 for 20 M8 nutserts and like 3 dollars
postage. You don't need a special tool for these they have a weak point near the top so that the first time you pull them tight it crushes and makes
and internal lip - hope that helps