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A video tour of the southern part of Mt Mee state forest
Baja Wes - May 4th, 2010 at 08:05 AM

Below is 5 videos I made with my helmet camera on the weekend. If you look at this map you will be able to see the loop I went on (each video shows the map at the start anyway);

This loop starts at the car park, goes up Chambers Road, onto Peggs Road, down "the hanger", back along "A break", down Diana's bath road, up Jacky Creek Road, across to Byron Creek Road, then back to Chambers Road.

Playlist of the 5 videos. =1

People that have been on the tracks will know that the camera makes all the hills look flat. "The hanger" (2nd video) has some very steep sections.

The videos are 720p HD, so people with good connections will be able to view the bigger HD versions.