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Wakefield Hillclimb 7 May
amazer - April 22nd, 2005 at 08:45 AM

Dave King from Timespan Electronics is running a hilllclimb at
Wakefield on Saturday 7th May if any of you are interested or know
anyone who might be interested Dave can be contacted on 0262861214 (h)
0412 523 060 or by email on Dave runs private
hillclimbs as a not for profit event and donates any profit he makes to
charity - entries for the event close on the 29th April - If he doesn't
have enough competitors by then he has to cancel as he can't afford to
loose money. One of his reasons for holding these events is to allow
CAMS club members who work as officials at CAMS club and multiclub
events the day off from work which allows them to go out and compete.