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CAMS log books
amazeer - September 11th, 2006 at 03:20 PM

Has anyone got their cams manual with them? What is the story... although I should know.

When does a car need a log book?
Do ALL unregistered cars need one?
Does a road registered car need to have one to do a state hillclimb?
What about club events?

I know that you can get away without one at many places (at Huntley where I do the checking if you handed me one I checked the number off the form, if you didnt enter a number on the form... I say nothing... about to change) What I want to know are the rules, and quoted rules. From CAMS website I can tell you its NCR150, but there isnt anywhere that I can see the full reg, just snippets.

hellbugged - September 11th, 2006 at 06:07 PM

this help?, let me know what else if not enough

[ Edited on 11-9-06 by dumone ]

amazeer - September 11th, 2006 at 07:58 PM

yes, helps a lot. I dont have the patience to walk through that stupid f'n book all the time. Why the hell isnt it online and searchable I dont know. Could it be money? If it was online it could be permanently up to date. At present it gets outdated with bulletins before its even printed.

This is the email I sent on in reply to a question. If anyone can prove me wrong I'd be plenty happy. Apologies it doesnt look like tags will work in this forum.(or is it just me)
:vader shits me


I dont think CAMS knows what it wants to do with log books. Any car which has been issued with a log book must produce a log book. How can I tell? I dont know, so in clubbies I dont bother unless they have written down the number on the entry form.

NCR 150 says that all entrants have to produce one at State level speed events or above. Its on page 4-23 under Equipment. Because putting under log books would be too easy. There's no mention of road registered exemptions though there may be one somewhere in the manual or in the series regulations. I havent been given a copy of these for a couple of years now. What it DOES say is that CAMS may grant entry of "certain automobiles" without a log book and to check schedule L and NCR 137 (v). Schedule L is for log books but makes no mention of exemptions. NCR137(v) is about L2S licence so is totally irrelevant.

Sorry I cant be of definitive help. I guess that unless someone can show me the road reg exemption, all cars need a log book in state events.

speedster356 - September 11th, 2006 at 09:02 PM

yup that's how I read it too.:P


Sorry I cant be of definitive help. I guess that unless someone can show me the road reg exemption, all cars need a log book in state events.