Had a run yesterday with the HSV/WRX/Nissan/Alfa club at Wakefield Park. Weather was good to us and only about 20C on the day after 38C the day
I ran a 1:11.3100, VW Golf TI 1:18.2800, VW R32 1:16.0200
results here...clicky no work?
Fastest lap of the day was a 1:08.3700 by a WRX 2.5 STI.
I've got a fuel pump cavitation problem after two laps, looks like my surge tank and pumps are getting all the heat from the radiator exit. It' ll
do two hard laps and then start to pop and miss when the temp gets up. The surge tank and pumps are red hot when I get in and the pumps are very noisy
as well. If I missed a session, then went out when all was stone cold it would last an extra lap. Looks like I need to move the surge tank and
[ Edited on 16-10-2006 by speedster356 ]
[ Edited on 16-10-2006 by speedster356 ]
[ Edited on 16-10-2006 by speedster356 ]