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Oran Park Sprint Sat 4th August
1303 - July 30th, 2007 at 05:32 PM

Saturday should be a good day.

A couple of beetles (Mine and Alex Holzl) Anthony/Richard will have the 914 hooting around. I also hear that there will be a Cup Car stiriing up the normal GT3's!


1303 - August 5th, 2007 at 01:50 PM

The day went pretty well with no dramas.....

John Van Look managed a 1.31.6 in his R32 on his first outing in the car. He felt that there was more in it as he wasnt getting the grip he was hoping for. The car did look and sound great on the circuit.

Anthony Donoghue had his awsome looking 914 getting around in 1.31.6 with the car coughing due to carbs getting lazy now and then. CT did offer a little track side assitance with balancing and adjusting the linkage which made the car sound much smoother.

I beat my last time by 3.1 seconds and managed a 1.26.7. I have made the switch to mid range C Drive Yokohama street tyres where as previously I was using R Spec semi slick Falkens. I think it is biggest improvement I have made to the car, it just seems much more predicable and has a nice gradual slide. Maybe Jak Rizzo has been hiding a secret from us all these years, as the street tyres seem to work better??

All in all good fun and after pushing hard to try and get decent times it really makes you appreciate the effort, skill and commitment serious beetle punters like Rudy and John go to in order to get their beetle flying around the same circuit in 1.21.5!!


[ Edited on 5-8-2007 by 1303 ]

fullnoise - August 5th, 2007 at 08:17 PM

All I can say is that you've got some stones to drive that car the way you do. It looks great and sounds great. I think that's quicker than Jak & I have been around Oran Park GP.

Your tyres are Yokohama A.driveR1s. The is a little more premium and a little more comfort-oriented.

Do you think the Motorkanas have helped your driving?

I'll post the photos I took tomorrow, maybe.

Nice one!


Craig Torrens - August 5th, 2007 at 08:32 PM

Where's JVL's racecar??

1303 - August 5th, 2007 at 09:40 PM

CT, I think the motorkhanas have really helped with my consistency.........I'm consistantly one of the slowest getting around!! but still heaps of fun

Craig, JVL's "racecar" is getting a transplant, I am sure that he will fill in the the gaps in time.

Craig Torrens - August 6th, 2007 at 05:04 PM

Cheers..............I thought he may have upgraded to the golf.

hellbugged - August 6th, 2007 at 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Craig Torrens
Cheers..............I thought he may have upgraded to the golf.

you may be closer than you realize with that statement Craig

Craig Torrens - August 6th, 2007 at 08:10 PM

:smilegrin::smilegrin:.................................but "he" said subie is the best :no:

JVLRacing - September 18th, 2007 at 08:57 AM

Originally posted by Craig Torrens
:smilegrin::smilegrin:.................................but "he" said subie is the best :no:
:PTheres always something better Craig!

JVLRacing - September 18th, 2007 at 09:01 AM

Originally posted by dumone
Originally posted by Craig Torrens
Cheers..............I thought he may have upgraded to the golf.

you may be closer than you realize with that statement Craig

Craig Torrens - September 18th, 2007 at 09:16 PM

Originally posted by JVLRacing
Originally posted by Craig Torrens
:smilegrin::smilegrin:.................................but "he" said subie is the best :no:
:PTheres always something better Craig!

A good car today is always better than a perfect car tomorrow.

Keep dream'n JVL.:thumb

Cam - September 22nd, 2007 at 07:33 AM

Sounds like a great day had by all, you NSW guys sure know how to have good track days :)