wakefield park round 3 state super sprint championship hosted by mx5 club of nsw, 3rd may still a few places left,club veedub members will be there to assist in runing this event,as a shake down run on procedures for the vw nationals sprint later on saturday 23rd may
great day for racing car ran a best of 1m09 three secs quicker than my u 2ltr best still need to sort out these brakes have to bury another pireli slick after another 200k lock up at the end of the main straight a bit offree flight and another air dam destroyed anyway thats racing ran 33rd outrite and 5th in class and am still smiling knowing theres still plenty to come once the brakes are sorted cheers.many thanks to all that helped out on the day as i was helping with scruitineering in the morning cant be in two places at once cheers Rudi