Anyone here gone into Historic racing?
was looking into it for me and my 1300 deluxe, just because I want to get raccing but happen to be poor and can't afford much to go racing.. so plan
was to whack a pobjoy crank in her, hotter cam and twin carbs maybe an exhaust if it allows and add a roll bar and have a laugh..
anyone here gone into historic classes? does anyone know if changing to Dual port heads will be allowed, i've looked up the rules from what I
understand you can...
Looking at the first issue of VWMA the targa bug had DP heads and was in historics - i think
what do you lot reckon of historics?
I run my 64 bug in historic events, but only in regularity events, not the actual races. To race you need a historic log book and you will not get a
historic log book with any mods that werent approved back in the day. If your 1300 didnt have dp heads back then, then you arent allowed to run them
now, but you can in regularity as you dont need a logbook for that. Regulairity is much cheaper - for instance it costs $400 year for racing licence,
as opposed to $88 to run in regularity
I have seen people sun twin carbs on single ports, that is okay, but you can go swapping late model pans etc
Depends on what you want to do ..
cheers peter, regualrity sounds better.. do you have any links for that?