Hi Guys
This may sound like a silly question but can you 'cut in' a sand seal with the crank inplace and engine assembled?
After getting robbed $128 by UPS to deliver a feather weighted 180mm x 180mm box. It turns out that CE have sent me the wrong pulley. I ordered a
pulley with a scroll however a beatifully machined sand seal pulley arrived...
I am trying to weight up my options and just wanted to know if the motor would need to be stripped down to machine the case for the seal.
There is a tool bergs sell that can cut the seal hole with crank in place.
I am sure someone like Daimo Pell or Hellbug has one hidden somewhere.
Hi School,
I have a stock size CE pulley in green with scroll if you are interested. Brand new. I would be willing to swap you if you want. Just a thought.
Cheers, Keith
I am using Colins computer at the moment
Thanks for that Dave, good to know the tool is out there..
I would be very interested to hear from anyone with the tool that would be willing to help out... would be much appreciated!!
You want to be carefull as there's about 3 different sizes available, case and pulley need to be machined for seal in question
sure i have seen one hanging out here..........will have a scout around
I can help you out with a complete press in adapter with a seal installed if you want to go that way . The kits are priced @ $ 48 ea and you will get the adapter , and 2 x shimms that are approx 4 mm thick . The shims are for the crank pulley and the alt/gen pulley and will therefore space the pulleys and belt back , or away from the engine about 4 mm . I have been using these for years with good sucess , however you will have to check the size of your pulley and the seal as earlier explained , as there are several different sizes avaliable . I think from memory the seal will suit a 1.730" pulley . This is an easy installation process and can be performed whilst the engine is in the vehicle . The seals have been installed backwards because they are designed to keep the sand out , however they also keep the oil in , thanks ROD , 02-42729920 .
Thanks for your help guys, will research the seal etc before going ahead. Pulley measures 1.770"
Cheers for the offer Keith but I am keen to stay black.
let me know if you need it tom........