Yes finally its almost ready and packed for its debut drag meet in Portland this weekend. Almost 3 years ago the body was purchased at the Sacramento
Bug-in. While the concept has changed a lot from the original train of thought. She was always destined to be a drag car first and a Show piece
second. Hopefully over the next year or so i can prove her to be a serious machine and justify the team hard work effort and ideas.
I wish to thank so many people that have gotten me to this point you all know who you are. I couldn't have done this project without each and every
one of you and I beg for the forgiveness for your wives and family's.
The car has seen the track in testing but only to iron out a few bugs before the trip to Portland. No real numbers yet. But she did most of what she
was supposed too and most importantly handled and felt great.
Please forgive me for keeping this off the forum, The car being my first build from start to finish has been a big learning curve and i didn't want
to have to retract misleading information every time i changed my direction. I hope you all understand.
Shane Hobson
I will update this post with build pics as soon as i get the weekend over and done with.
need a microscope to see those pics mate
we all want a look, and good luck at the debut hope it all goes well
Dang another rocket out of the CBB shed cant wait to see it in the flesh this weeknd!
Sorry about the pics will rectify as soon as i get the chance.
Also sorry to all the guys hoping to see it in the flesh this weekend. A catastrophic problem showed up last night as we fired the car for a final
check before the weekend. A internal pin from the supercharger made its way though the rotors, past the inlet valve into the chamber. Damaging the
head, valve, barrel, piston and devastating the charger.
Thanks to all the boy's who have helped get it this far and work hard last night to try rectify the situation, but the only way to fix it without
compromise is to our take time and some new parts.
I promise we will get out there and have some fun soon boys but for the time being its back to pushing cars and passing tools for the rest of the
team. Still looking forward to seeing some great action at the track by all involved. Keep it safe and have fun everyone.
Bummer dude
Good luck and well done so far.
Looking great mate. Shame about not being able to run your beast down the strip this weekend. Still plenty of time ahead.
Looks like some great work has gone into the buggy, looking fwd to seeing the build photo's.
Very nice looking set up there Shane. shame about the damage but better to hapeen now then at full noise on the track I guess.
So once all these cars are at the track who will be the crew?? You all will be driving so you might have to put a few job ads out for some new
"recruits" LOL
Brendan, that's why God gave us two hands, two (fast?) legs and a close relationship with our friends - to help each other out whenever possible and be able to strap ourselves in quickly!! (thankfully in different classes!!)
Thats a real shame fellows ! Shane & crew very well done . Dreams do come true !!
At least getting in the Manx Henry would be a lot quicker than getting into Mike's Ghia LOL