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Grab Handles and Other Questions
Ich fahre ein Kdf ein Tag - September 19th, 2006 at 12:52 PM

I have heaps of work to do on my interior...but i have a number of questions before I start (probably have more when I actually start):

1. Headlining..and sound deadner...The sound deadner used in my 57 Beetle is extremely fibrous, what is the stuff, and i am sure that is not very safe to be inhaling. So how should i go about taking it out of the car (just rip out?)... i have noticed that there is sound deadning material in the engine bay and dont really like the safety/fire issues related to it..

2. The rear seat is falling apart but the vinyl is in good enough condition as far as i am concerned...So it is a matter of restitching. But the internal parts of the seat (springs) and again this fibrous sound deadner material packed in. I want to remove the fibrous stuff out of the car....what can i replace it with?

3. Carpets? What is involved...need some sort of rubber underlay and carpet over...but what sort of extra weight on the pan does this cause (the pan to me looks pretty good rust wise i.e. no rust)

4. Seen some dubs with grab handles on the doors. And i think that would be great to add. I know they did not come stock so how do i mount them?


68AutoBug - September 19th, 2006 at 02:37 PM

You can find simple door pulls, usually chromed ...
they just screw to the door...
at most hardware stores..

there are ones that pivot.. ie the handle can move up and down etc..
so they lay flat when not being used...
the vw accessories like these are expensive....

You can also get chromed handles made for draws..
these also just screw to the door..
and you grab it to close the door...
these are very inexpensive...


68AutoBug - September 19th, 2006 at 03:08 PM

I have used the blue foam/rubber mats that aerobics people use...
about 10 or 15mm thick..
and covered My roof with this...
I have layed the same stuff on the flloor and I have yet to carpet the rear of My beetle..
thinking of using the same stuff... glueing using contact cement and a selleys product called All Stick [I think]
I use the contact to hold the foam on and also use the all stick for extra strength...[sticking]
I also have some auto sound deadner which is sticky on one side [i think]
this would have to be stuck really good then the carpet glued over the top...
the foam is thicker so maybe I'll stick with that..
the foam is sold at GO LO Big W etc...
and weights nothing...
I did buy some really good expensive sound deadner from Jaycar.... sheets are small and expensive and Heavy...

I also added the foam sheeting to the doors and under the rear side windows...


Lee -- 68AutoBug -- 
[over 12,000 hits]

baybuscamperkid - September 28th, 2006 at 06:20 PM

if you want to replace the inside of the seat just go with some high density foam from clark rubber.