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help... putting vinyl back on seats
vickie - December 20th, 2006 at 08:28 PM

we are trying to put the vinyl cover back on the front seats of my 63 bug, the bottom bit is easy enough, but need some tips for the upright part....

how does the vinyl stay in those curved holders at the rear, we forgot to take notice when we removed the old covers... was there a piece of cardboard involved?

any tips, advise or knowledge of a missing part would be great


65busser - December 20th, 2006 at 11:16 PM

yep, there are cardboard strips sewn into the ends of the covers that tuck into the channel that runs across the base of the backrest. Have you got new covers?
If so what brand. Most ready made covers don't have the strips sewn in, which means there's no way to secure the backrest cover without finishing them off properly.

vickie - December 21st, 2006 at 08:36 AM

thanks for the confirmation.

yes we have new covers made by harrington, a Uk company working out of vietnam.

mmmmm.... what to do now, is it any doable job for amateurs to sew this cardboard in do you think?

65busser - December 21st, 2006 at 11:09 AM

Vickie. I've fitted Harrington's covers and you'll need to have the cardboard or a plastic strip sewn in to finish off the backrest. Go to a motor trimmer. It'll cost you nothing...or very little. It's real easy but you'll need an industrial machine to handle the thickness.
Call me if you're stuck.
Brad 0419 356105

vickie - December 22nd, 2006 at 04:31 AM

Thanks Brad

i'll get onto that then
have a great christmas
