I have black door trims in my 71 standard bug, the previous elderly owner broke the clips holding it to the door and stuck it on with gaffer tape. I
removed the tape to find he'd also screwed it to the door thru the vinyl!!!! Any ideas how to repair the holes or should i look for a new one? Also the gaffer tape managed to rip off some door paint so it looks like the door will need a touch up too!
[ Edited on 27-8-2007 by FunkBass ]
Find a new/used one. Be a lot quicker and easier and tidier by the sounds of it. Put up a post here. Someone will have one.
new trim panels for sure TMI are best quality
i recently purchased a full set of panels including rubbers and clips for $170. nice 2 tone panels from classic vee dub - http://www.classicveedub.com.au
well worth the money and alot less messing around.