is there anywhere in Australia (preferably in or close to Canberra, though I suppose postage would be possible) that can reskin my L-bug dash? As is
common to L-bugs, my dash is cracked and I am curious to know where/how this can be repaired. A ballpark cost would be appreciated also.
restor a dash at Revesby
Department of the Interior at Carlton, Sydney.
I had mine reskinned at The Dash Doctor in Melbourne and they did a really good job.
What was the approx cost at the Dash Doctor? I have a Type 3 dash that needs some urgent TLC
had the whole dash done as well as the glove box lid in black.. cost of approx $300.
Thanks for that. So where is the Dash Doctor? Could not find them in the phone book. Cheers
sydney road coburg
Many thanks again!