Hi There, Where can I get a repair manual for 2005 TDI 2.5 T5? (Nothing is broken) I have tried auto barn, repco, shit cheap auto....
Ebay , mate . All ways adds on there .
Printed manuals - not for T5 Transporters. No one publishes them.
However, yes there is a factory VW workshop manual for the T5 - and all other new-model VWs. They are now published on DVD, and are called ELSAWIN.
Do an Ebay search on that, or 'T5 Workshop manual DVD' and they'll come up. You should be able to get a set (up to 2012 models) for less than $10
not including postage. Our VW club here in Sydney has a set in the library.
Thanks Phil, I will check it out.
thanks Phil ...should have looked here first ...
Yep, download Elsawin