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WTB - Rubber dash pad for 73 Std beetle
retroresto - February 4th, 2013 at 03:38 PM

Hi all,

Does anyone have a good 1973 standard beetle dash pad they can live without?
Phone rather than PM on the mobile below.
Adelaide SA 5108
0439 800 880

68AutoBug - February 4th, 2013 at 04:43 PM

Did 1973 NON Supers have the padded dash??

I thought they were only on 1976 NON Supers ??

and many were ripped off and thrown away!!

so very difficult to find now!!


Joel - February 4th, 2013 at 05:09 PM

Yep, all bugs from January 73 had padded dashes thanks to ADR 21

Barty63 - February 4th, 2013 at 07:21 PM

You can buy them new..

I know Mick Motors had one hanging up behind the counter last time I was in there.

So Im sure shops closer to you would be able to get them too...