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WTB T3 kombi parts
Andy - March 16th, 2013 at 10:26 AM

Hi all,
After the sliding door catch for a '89 T3 kombi.
This is the latch in the door itself at the rear of door.

Prefer one for a Caravelle (central locking), but happy with a standard one also, I assume they fit. I'm not sure if they varied through the years, so not sure ut has to be '89.

Please PM/email.

Andy - July 2nd, 2013 at 01:13 AM

Bump :)

Still looking for the door catch is anyone is wrecking T3's

Luckyphil - July 2nd, 2013 at 04:43 PM

Try Brunswick Byron Auto Wreckers 02 6684 2351 they have a red 1989 Caravelle wrecking

Special Air Service - July 2nd, 2013 at 08:46 PM

Andy can you show me a picture so I know we're talking abou the same thing. good chance I've got one here somewhere.


Andy - July 6th, 2013 at 12:05 AM

Hi all,
Thank for the details, I'll follow it up.
Brendan, I'll get you a picture as soon a I can.
Attached shows what I'm after, and ideally the pin that is on the body. Both parts are showing a fair amount of wear. The door shuts very easily, but will pop open when driving along.

Luckyphil - July 6th, 2013 at 09:35 AM

Try this fix posted on another forum
Sliding Door Pops Open Fix
Fixed mine yesterday which has been doing it for a few months now - really simple. Only one spanner required.

Open the door all the way. Have a look at the rear body pillar and you'll see the striker pin/plate thing referred to above.
Take note of it's current position, perhaps even take a photo or mark it with a pencil.
Loosen it slightly (15mm I think from memory) and without letting it change height (vertical position) move it slightly horizontally towards the outside of the van. 2mm probably all it needs.
Retighten and give your door a gentle push. Bet you it catches easily and stays there!

My theory is that over time, and with plenty of hard slamming, this pin eventually gets pushed inwards. Eventually the mechanism can't quite hold it as there is too much tension

Andy - July 6th, 2013 at 09:46 AM

Thanks for that lucky phil :)
I have tried a few adjustments and no luck to date. Most posts on adjustments seem to mention difficulkty closing, mine closes real easy.
I have read there is an adjustment of the cable from the front latch to the back, this is the only one I have not looked at yet.
The "hook" at the back that grabs the pin is well worn, so I'm guesing mine has had a lot of use. I'm just over needing rope to keep the door shut!!

Thanks again.

Special Air Service - July 14th, 2013 at 10:27 AM

found them, will get pics to you ASAP

Special Air Service - July 22nd, 2013 at 09:06 PM

you "should" have a PM & email