Ok, needle in a haystack time, I'm after a drivers door for a factory '76 vert bug, needs to be damage / rust free as possible. PM or email
ok, what did you do????
h, I realy would prefer not to talk about nice shiny red bugs, narrow main roads, big shiny yellow busses and what happens when you open the drivers
door without looking behind, so I'm not going to talk about it, OK !
Still looking, I've checked most of the sites that I know of and contacted a few people, including Mr. Google, but no luck so far, I have looked on
samba.com (thanks empi) but can't see anything like it there, but then I'm a lot stoopid when it comes to navigating some sites, any other leads
would be apreciated.
Bit of a longshot, but you could try :-
I don't know if there is any difference or not but here is one on Samba for a 68-72 but it has some rust by the looks of it.
and here is an NOS one http://www.thesamba.com/vw/classifieds/detail.php?id=1222853
Thanks yogi, I'm on it!
Question for those who know, when looking for parts there is often a set of letters included in the add.......................OAM..................
what does that mean?
in the samba add it says OEM? Original Equipment Manufacturer, fancy way of saying it was made by the same people that made the original factory doors, which in tis case I would assume Karmann Coachworks?
OEM, oops, so it does, I've been in an email conversation with this fella (Jack Fin) on Samba, seems like an odd sort of character, anyone here dealt with him?
Hi Donn,
I haven't had any dealings with him but there is a feedback area on there so you can search for anything about him (if there is anything posted about
him that is).
Oh dear, I just found feedback for Jack Fin on the above link for Samba, well let's hope I can find one elsewhere as I won't be dealing with that
good ole boy