Hi All.
Apologies for my first post being a 'wanted'.
Looking for a double front passenger seat for our T3. i.e. the type of seat that takes 2 passengers sat next to the driver
Will consider anywhere in Oz.
Many thanks for any leads
yes, and welcome to AVD, I have a very good one
easy to ship
always helps if u have your location listed so we can be helpful with transport logistics
click my email button for me to reply with pics and stats...
Thanks! I have sent you an email
are you saying to seat 3 people in the front?
Never seen a 2x passenger T3 / 25 seat
Can someone post pics of what it looks like
its for/from a dual cab with divider style
you are correct it will be the same as a T3 dual cab and requires a bulk head same as a dual cab to support the backrest. I have only ever seen 2 transporter vans in Australia with the bulk head and the 3 seats up front
well.......... you live and learn
I have this 0413 18 1018 Michael
sorted thanks