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Wanted: parts for Oval
SPRINTSTAR - March 10th, 2017 at 06:58 PM

Wanted: Oval window complete big spline steering column and shaft.
Location: Melbourne/ willing to pay for postage.
Also looking for a pair of left and right front 'tall' bumper guards for a 356 with tall overrider bar...I know..fat chance but thought I'd try..

ocdrbug - March 11th, 2017 at 09:15 PM

Hi mate, i have a 55 complete unit with blinker switch & steering wheel. (white). $300 the lot. 0408491668 mike. You will need to ring me as i'm away from home (Vic) atm and offline most of the time if your interested.

SPRINTSTAR - March 16th, 2017 at 06:47 PM

All sorted. Thanks AVDS!

ocdrbug - March 16th, 2017 at 07:50 PM

PM sent.:cool: