I know it's a long shot, but I'm looking for a Karmann Beetle door for the right hand side. I'm happy with just a shell or a complete door. Drop me a pm, any help would be appreciated to get me back on my project again. Cheers
Where are you may help
I'm in Perth. Obviously will cover all shipping costs!
Try VVDS 02-9789-1777 I know they have a few KG panels but not sure about a door
think he is after beetle convertible door
What year are you after Neggy?
Is it a 1303?
Whatver - you might have to import from US?
Yes read it wrong
Samba will be the only place
What's wrong with the one you have or is it missing all together
It's for a 61, the door I have has had some horrible welding, they've grafted a convertible door top on to a saloon bottom, not pretty!
that may be the only way to get one