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RodPenrose - September 10th, 2005 at 12:45 PM

This is a new 1 5/8'' ceramic coated merged exaught to suit a type 1 engine ,I have these in Bugpack or Empi brand names , to me they all come out of the same factory , price =$248 or black = $154 . I also have the Empi brand fat-boy mufflers to suit in black,ceramic or stainless. ROD, 02-42729920.

kruzinvagen - September 22nd, 2005 at 01:21 PM

Dear Rod, i would be interested in the merged exhaust you have on offer. do u also have any tuckaway style exhausts? please contact me at your convenience on

Cheers, :thumb

Calcool - September 22nd, 2005 at 05:38 PM

Hi Rod,

Tried to call but no answer.

How much are the fat boy mufflers ou refer to in stainless or ceramic?

Did you get yourself a shell? I have access to a 1500 shell with the front cut off and a 1 piece fibreglass front clip if you are interested.

$100 for the shell and $350 for the clip.


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