Hi all,
I'm chasing a 1500 Swing axle gear box. Preferably in good running order!!
If anyone knows of one around the Townsville, Ayr, Airlie Beach area can u let me know pls! I'm in Ayr but willing to travel a few hours each way to
get my pick it up.
email me on nloader@westnet.com.au
thanks for your time,
Nicknn[ Edited on 15-9-2005 by 66 Dak Dak ]
Guys? anyone up north got a gear box lying around?
How about in the Brisbane area?
really need to track one down soon as i want to get my beetle back on the road...
really hard to find. im in townsville and had to get one sent up from brisbane. look around brisbane cause up north is gonna be hard
You could try Ingham car wreckers...they had one there a couple of years ago.Try Werner in Cairns http://www.wvw.com you might get lucky..
may have one in Bundy
how much, and what condition is it in?
thanks for ur response!!
cheers, nick
have you tried the vw bloke just south of Mackay?
sorry i cant remember the name but i think he is a bakers creek????
was it Bakers Creek wreckers by any chance? been searching yellow pages and thats about the only thing i can find on bakers creek....
Dunno if it'a a wreckers....but some guy at Bakers Creek has a VERY large yard full of VW's of all shapes and sizes.Would love to look through it someday....:cry
yeah try it, i got a gearbox from him many years back. i know he has plenty of stock
I have a 1500 gearbox in Brissy if you want one, let me know. I'm not 100 percent sure of condition as all I did was drive the beetle onto a car trailer and off again. But it works and didn't seem to noisy or anything.
ok dak dak
got a good beetle swinger one in Bundy
can get it compl $535
or just the box $485 (no axles or rakes etc) also heaps cheaper to transport
can get ot to Rocky for $20 -($30 compl
sorry not mine so price is maybe cause they are rare.....
email me if u want me to organize it or anythin else u need
sorry not mine so price is maybe cause they are rare.....
email me if u want me to organize it or anythin else u need
wilson vw services in bakers creek has got one he has just reconditioned... will prolly go with that one! thanks for all the help...