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60-61 split bus rear indicator lenses FS
madman11 - December 7th, 2005 at 05:03 PM

gday ive got some perfect rear indicator lenses ive had made, perfect Hella Amber and a couple of sets of clear, and also a couple of sets of glow inthe dark white..for something different.. $100 a set, im the only one in the world that i know of thats making repros of these...i used to be known as kombi_mad on this sight until my login stuffed up and i got sick of trying to revive it..... call me on 0423 305 467 if you need a pair to finish off that dream bus.. ill post pics soon, very expensive materials, very expensive mould maker, hense the price $100 a set no quiblling, postage included...these are perfect repros.

[ Edited on 7-12-2005 by madman11 ]

[ Edited on 7-12-2005 by madman11 ]

madman11 - December 8th, 2005 at 11:47 AM

one set of glowies left....

madman11 - December 12th, 2005 at 08:21 AM

ho ho ho