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Split indicator stalk wanted - well the flashing end red thing
crewcabconnection - December 14th, 2005 at 08:14 PM

Must be after market... want one of the indicator stalks that has the red end - ohh errr - no seriously, looks like about an inch - oo ooo oooh err - of red plastic that lights up when ya turn - as in when you click it in, not an auto steering warning thing. Might have just screwed on ... not sure ... haven't seen one in a while.

Anyone got one? know what the fek I'm on about....

anyway, I want's one.


ragtopp - December 15th, 2005 at 07:54 PM

hey mate i got one, only thing is the red bit you want on mine is green. I sold a few at a swap meet four weeks ago with the red flasher on them. only want $15 bucks for it. good nick with a good throw on the switch