I have a beetle mesh visor for sale, it is a harding european one, so screws on with four screws, not been used by me.
Not sure what it cost, any one want one, make an offer?!
1st dibbs pls.
Doesnt screw in through the body work then?
[ Edited on 3-1-2006 by Gibbo ]
yeah four screws that sccrew to the body, pretty easy to make a bracket though I believe
So will ya take my offer?
do you have a pic at all? is it painted mesh or straight steel?
I probably have, its a mesh steel / silver one that is new, not an orginal one.
want more than 80 bucks think it cost more like 250.
can't really remember, can you still get them?
can be bought new for $150 by the same guy down south that does the venetians....