Name: Stephen
Location: Brisbane
Hey I'm after some one piece windows for my project, if anyone has any leads that would be great.
i thibk mattie on here had some in his rod
will get on to it and find out
i,ll swap you some for a late ones if you got them.
i,m changing my baja to late doors soon
i have a set,
but the come with doors and dont really know how to take them out so
$100 with doors.
interested, getting them out is not really an issue, I'm sure you could work it out. I'm flexible on time frames so let me know.
Cheers Stephen
i have no idea how to get them out.
and really dont wont to just incase i break something.
So does that mean Rod is Dead??
ok Terry do you want to give me a ring when you change over to late doors?
Cheers Steve If I get stuck I'll keep your doors in mind but I think postage would kill the deal.
yes rod is dead.
but dad has found another body and is geting it painted, it should be cool