Found this on Ebay..thought you might like! not mine
tell him he's dreamin! I bought a Beetle from this site with complete trim, (admittingly it's not the flash trim with stars and all that jazz) that
I polished myself and it...the whole car, cost less than the trim itself. Does this mean my Beetle is worth at least US$470 plus whatever a '67 is
going for? I'm not having a go at anyone but really...$470 US? and the bidding hasn't ended yet. By the way, our Beetle is under lock and key!
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makes ya wonder what people will pay for stainless...yeah, I'm laughin my ass off too DAVROS
maybe someone will trade him a barndoor for the trim
who is this 8 ball baby ???
yeah, who is this mysterious 8 ball critter????????????????????:blah
& do they hav any other interesting bits 4 all to drool & blab about?????!!!!:blah
i'm behind the 8 ball baby
that's why i am bushed ha ha
356 deals....
and wee bit high but someone will buy this soon
its nice and rare !