I have a copy of:
VW Magazine Australia (May-June 2004 Issue 2)
Ultra VW #11
free! Just send me a stamped (enough postage for one or both mags) self-addressed A4 envelope and I'll post them to you.
U2U me if you are interested.
thanks steve
No thank you Marc
G'day Gibbo - long time no speak! How is that oval coming along?
hey alan - is steve gibbo?
otherwise I'm not sure what happened to gibbo....
my oval project has all been on hold while I finished my studies and do a few home renos (bathroom, fence and chicken coop for Michelle's chickens!).
Although its getting started again with a certain 2110 you may be familiar with....
The body is coming off shortly to prep the pan, then I'll get stuck into the body - its pretty straight, just needs a sand and repaint. At least
there's not much to put back together. I have the interior and roll cage from Brad which will go in also.
Getting paid again will no doubt help the project along. I'm aiming to have it together by the end of the year.
I should start a thread, but I think you have raised the bar a bit too much!
Sorry mate, Craig mentioned you bought the oval off Brad (my brother in law)....but I am now thinking you just bought the cage and interior! Sorry for
the miscommunication! Or maybe I just misunderstood what Craig said!
Nonetheless, make sure you post some pics - I know I love seeing the progress of others work - its all good inspiration!
Sorry again for the mixup!
no stress alan.
yep - i got the cage and interior
gibbo hasn't been on here much lately? wonder where he got to? I know he was getting into fish....