need a set of piston's and cylinders for a mates project. he wants to build a 1776 for his manx! anyone got a set out there for sale?
cheers josh
0414 726194
I voted yes.....
Sorry no P&B's though
Hi p&c's but just wanted to say that 091 box I bought from you is going great with the soob behind it
excellent, good news!
anyone out there know where i can get the p&c's that i need?
Set of pistons only on Ebay if that helps !!
I've got some 92's he can have cheap and build a 1700 or 1835
how much you after for them? and what do i need for a 1700?
cheers, josh
U need a set of 90.5 mm pistons n Barrels for 1776
If you use 92 mm for 1835 then you have to machine the case and the heads to make them fit also some head work required to unshroud the valves
the 90.5mm 1776 and 92mm 1835 jugs use the same bore size so u can switch without any machining
but 1835 truly are a useless paperweight
steer clear of them if u want an engine that will last and not run hot
i had an 1835 best thing i did was put new mahle 1776 p&c's in it
good advice on the 92s
There is a most of a 1776 engine on ebay with most of the stuff you need. in pieces.
been looking but can't find it, the complete engines aren't bad though! need a raise boss!!