Im chasing a steering colum and wheel to fit a oval up to 58,And i also need front and rear blade bumpers any were from the central coast to the south coast NSW cheers shane.
pm your way..
got steeringwheel and column but am in perth
Im guessing postage from perth would be $$$$$$$$ but thanks anyway steff,Maybe someone might be doing a road trip your way in the future i can only hope cheers shane.
postage prob about $35 if one neat parcel
now steff I like to help any snowsnews for me?? ;-)
happy nu yeer all.
same to you bern..
btw pm back to u..
Picked up a steering wheel just need the colum?????
I have both steering wheel and colum
I also have steering colum, im in Sydney. I have a 2 piece and a single piece colum. Remember though (from what i hear anyways), if your modifying/engineering you need a collapsible type colum. PM if you still need one...Cheers
I got one from bugboy(nathan),Thanks anyway Mick058,Im still chasing bumpers mainly front i got a fair back one from calcool (david)so i looking for a front one but will take a back one if its better than the one i got cheers shane.
You just missed out, Craig picked some up from me about 2hours ago. Good nick, front and back. I bought some stainless ones from overseas. Though im looking for brackets for them!
No worrys, will keep looking cheers shane.