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WTB hipo T1 or T4 upright engine, and standard kingpin front beam (QLD)
Boozo - January 8th, 2008 at 07:48 PM

My brother is looking for an nice engine to power his beetle, the more power the better. his price rang is $3000 - $3500, a nice T1 or T4 upright converted. must be air cooled, as he dosen't wanna stuff around with water, and body work is done, so no cutting for radiators will be happening. also a standard link pin front beam, for cutting adjusters into. any help would be apreciated.

bond - January 8th, 2008 at 08:24 PM

i think you'll be looking for a well built type1 1776, 1835 or 1916 for that sort of coin.

however you may get a stroked type1 motor for that money in which case you're doing well.

i think rod penrose had 1916 kits for around that kind of money also - might be worthwhile contacting him.

