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WTD 36hp bearings
Zimblewinder - March 21st, 2009 at 05:33 PM

Hi guys, can anyone help me out with some 36hp crank bearings or put me on to someone who has the goods? 3 cases.

case 1. 61.00mm OD/49.75ID ie crank is 0.25 under inc big ends

case 2. 60.25mm OD/49.75 ID ie. crank is 0.25 under

case 3. 60.50mm OD/49.75 ID ie. crank is 0.25 under (if Im lucky I might get away with just a linish on this crank so will update this soon)


Craig Torrens - March 21st, 2009 at 08:05 PM

Vintage VW at Campsie (NSW) should be able to help you :tu: