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Chasing an IRS Kombi rear outer flange/stub
TheMiniMan - August 21st, 2009 at 02:48 PM

Hi all,,, i`m chasing one outer flange / stub axle for a late Bay kombi

i`m doing the upgrade to Porsche CVs & axles etc & they all tell me that i need to weld big ring things to the outers to accept the bigger CV joints & i only have one spare outer flange/stub thingy,,, so i need another

i`d like to pay absolutely nothing for it, :-) that`d be great but i do expect to pay something,,, altho,,, if you`re keen & you let me borrow it, then i can give you back the ones in have in my kombi right now when (&/or) after the axle assys swap takes place :-)

anyways, cheers

guru - August 21st, 2009 at 08:54 PM

Hey Matt,
I'm sure I've got a couple you can have if you come and get them. Don't want anything for them.
I walk past them about 30 times a day and they need to go.
Call me tomorrow if you want them.
Simon 0439826610

TheMiniMan - August 22nd, 2009 at 10:09 PM

Thanks Guru, you`re a legend, saved me a whole pile of stuffing around , & now i have some wide rims too

Buds commin your way man