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WTB Recon heads for 1800 Kombi Motor
preacherman - September 21st, 2009 at 09:21 PM

Hi Y'all

I have had my Komb, Miss Blue, i stare at me long enough in a state of disrepair. She has an 1800 motor and I am in need of a couple of recon heads. That is I might need just one if it is advisable to change just one head, There is no compression and I fear cracked head on the LHS.

Anyone got one for sale in Sydney??

Please call me on 02 4883 4448 or 041 992 1365

greedy53 - September 22nd, 2009 at 07:15 AM

i have an 1800 motor that has eaten the cam i just had a recoed head fitted 1 month before.i am looking at $500.00 for both i payed more than that for 1 reply to my email may through in entier engine