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Wanted: T3 caravelle gearbox
Roadrunner335 - December 24th, 2009 at 03:21 PM

I'm looking for a good working 5spd gearbox for my 1991 T3. The one thats in the car is a "AGT" but it's near the end of it's life (bearings).
The car itself has 390.000km (still the first engine!), so buying a rebuild box is not worth it - the cheapest offer I got was 2700$.

Can anybody help me?
I'm right now in N.S.W close to Sydney (actually in the Blue Mountains)
Please let me know - PN or E-Mail.
Phoned several VW mechanics in the area but nobody has a used box...


Bizarre - December 24th, 2009 at 03:24 PM

Contact Dave Becker (Menangler)
He is in Nowra and is your best choice

You will need to go to the Test section and get 5 posts up to sens a PM

vw54 - December 24th, 2009 at 03:32 PM

hard to find a good one

Roadrunner335 - December 24th, 2009 at 03:43 PM

Thanks a lot guys!
Yeah i figured out that it's really hard to find things for a T3 in Australia. As i said, i called many many mechanics, but as i was told, for them it's even hard to find one that's worth rebuilding...

I am originally from Germany and bought the car for a 5month trip through the country. (hope that won't be a negative aspect)
It's really easy to find a box in Germany (of course), there are always about 40 boxes available on ebay, but here...

By the way, I'm driving a 1997 mexican beetle with the 1600injection engine, the latest series of type1. If anyone has questions about it just contact me. ;) But i don"t think that there's are 1600is in Australia?!


Bizarre - December 24th, 2009 at 03:50 PM

No - the Mexi beetles didnt pass our Australian Design Rules (ADR's), so they are not here

Enjoy your travels and keep us posted

vw54 - December 24th, 2009 at 04:20 PM

you could get the box re built but not now till after xmas

Beerboy - December 26th, 2009 at 07:30 AM

i brought a box in from the uk for that same reason. came in the crate with a friends car. hate to think what it would have cost on its own to post otherwise

Have you tried the usual mobs who have an interest in T3's.

I am looking to change my box too as it doesn't have a third gear at the minute. where abouts in the blueys are you.