Bought the buggy of buggy brad hoping that we would be moving to acerage but that is not happening this year back to suburban block. has bent ball
joint front end swing axle box wide wheels dodgy roll cage. its yours for a cartoon of beeror a bottle of bundy rum. if not taken will end up in scrap
yard as we are moving home in 2 months.
John w
Bald Hills, Nth Brisbane
3261 9222
maybe a pic will get the juices flowing for the bretherend
cheers pauly
Pm sent
Need it gone so if you want a swing axle gearbox or a disc front end then the buggy is all yours. Just come and pick it otherwise it will be going to the wreckers in 2 weeks
man i wish you where down her or i was up there,
good luck tho
Im Coming up to brisbane in the next few days , Will it fit in a box trailer? From Dylan
ill see if i can get a trailer tomorrow will you be around?