I am after a plastic part that connects the heater tube of the body to the heater flexible hose that goes onto the heat exchanger.
Its a plastic piece that is rectantangle and has two bolts holding it to the body and then goes to a round hole that the flexible hose connects to.
Its the drivers side on a 1972 beetle.
Thanks Trevor
Where u at Trev ???
I havea look at Vintage for you today Its a brown plastic from memory ?? drivers side
Yep thats it
I should have some if Dave can't find and, but by memory you need the body off the pan to fit one without cutting it up first.
oh no
That will screw me big time, is it just a few bolts that hold the body on, could I undo em and jack it up in that corner to get this part on or the
body has to come all the way off.
Yeah .... just a few.....32 or 36 ring a bell