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Nthn NSW - Wrecking 72 Sbug
Joel - April 5th, 2010 at 03:28 PM

Sellers name: you should know by now
location: Lismore 2480!!
price: ask
contact: PM
condition: good as new :rolleyes:

well its time for poor sonic to go to VW heaven

i just dont have space to keep it and im never gonna get around to my dream of making a vw trailer from it, don wants it off the farm

so parts are going cheap cos its going to scrap
ive gotta grab a few things still like pedals and the spindles but theres still a few good things left

engine is already sold, gearbox is out but it got unbearably noisy so its probably FUBAR

the hood and left gauards are ok, some guy came and took the decklid but i have plenty of 4 vent lids if someones chasing one and colonel mustard got the tail lghts

and the interior was redone in grey cloth, plush carpet and subaru bucket seats with lumbar support but the rats have moved in and pissed all through it and filled it up with macadamia nuts and pecans, it may clean up ok

bushed - April 5th, 2010 at 03:34 PM

bags the fr bumper for vwsteve in Caboolture.
may pick up for him Joel

Joel - April 5th, 2010 at 03:42 PM

thats not a good angle, bumper is f**ked
its got a massive ding and twist in it
way beyond straightening

i'll havea look around i may have a good one at mum and dads but i dunno what the chromes like

ian.mezz - April 5th, 2010 at 03:42 PM

shit joel youll get $3000 for that on Ebay:crazy:
I will have the bonnet if you will drop it off:crazy:
c u Ian

waveman1500 - April 5th, 2010 at 06:30 PM

Has it got the wiring harness bits to connect up to the base of the steering column? I'd love the whole wiring harness for the indicators/wipers/high beam if you still have it please. Postage would be to 5158, SA.

bushed - April 5th, 2010 at 08:06 PM

thanx Joel
Steve works in apanel shop and prob knows rechromin shop etc.

Originally posted by Joel
thats not a good angle, bumper is f**ked
its got a massive ding and twist in it
way beyond straightening

i'll havea look around i may have a good one at mum and dads but i dunno what the chromes like

Joel - April 5th, 2010 at 08:52 PM

hey Bernie, it was hit in a prang and i doubt anyone could staighten it again, its alot worse than it looks

but if your gonna be down this way i'd have a good one in storage at mum and dads

Joel - April 8th, 2010 at 08:07 PM

Bernie, Ive sent Steve a PM but i've found a bumper in the shed for him
just gotta put some mounting brackets on it
good heavy german one

bushed - April 8th, 2010 at 09:49 PM

cool, if u can pm me ure ph nr we can arr pick up
ps he may not need brackets B