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NEW!!! Pair of Weber 48 IDA's
tangblog - May 9th, 2010 at 08:56 PM

Seller's Name- Klaus
Suburb and Post Code-Lidcombe NSW 2141
Item Description including Brand- Pair of Weber 48 IDA's never used real webers not empi clones
One pair of NEW Weber 48 IDA carburetors. These Webers were purchased from a VW specialist in California USA for a project that never went ahead. They are genuine Webers not Chinese copies! I understand they're made in Spain. These Webers are jetted for big bore and stroke VW Type 1 engines. They don't include the manifolds or linkage. The jets are F7s, 120s and 135s - see photos.
Item Cost - $1400.00 can't accept any thing less as they cost me $750 each to land.

PM if your interested
I'm not willing to split these up so please don't ask. They're too heavy/costly to post/insure but you can pick up from Lidcombe in Sydney and pay me cash on the day or you can arrange your own courier once you've dropped the money into my bank account.