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Wanted Rusty Guards Brisbane
Bugged Again - October 19th, 2010 at 04:57 PM

Hi guys,
I have a butchered shell in my yard that was previously cut up for a baja conversion by the previous owner and is rusted beyond repair. It a mid 60's model. I gave the guards away to somewone on the Forum years ago as the ywere still in good condition.

The idea is to turn it into a garden feature with vines growing over it.

So if there is anyone out there that would like their yard cleaned up a bit I am after a set of front and rear guards which are rusty / damaged beyond repair. Happy to pick up in Brisbane area.

0434 884 633

Bugged Again - November 1st, 2010 at 08:15 AM

Has no-one got any of these lying around.
I probably shouldn't have given the good ones away to a fellow Aussieveedubbers member!!
Saw a couple for sale for $10 each but I don't want guards that can be used on a going car

Sides - November 9th, 2010 at 02:40 PM

I'm after some reasonable beetle rear guards... preferably tombstones... whereabouts were the ones you saw for $10 ???

Bugged Again - November 9th, 2010 at 05:00 PM

They were on this forum somewhere probably around the time I first posted.

kombisaint - November 9th, 2010 at 10:42 PM

I think I have some here in Toowoomba you can have , pm me with your email and I will send you some pics , cheers Alec