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WTB [QLD] 67 beetle headlight rims
DubLeg - May 15th, 2012 at 04:36 AM

I just need some rims for the headlights of a 1967 Baja I have. Stone guard would be pretty nice too.

Does anyone have any?

Calcool - May 15th, 2012 at 11:13 AM


If it is for a Baja I think you would be after the 68 and later headlight rings which i can help you with. Give me a call I will dig some out tonight.

I am on the Southside of Brisbane, Bayside 4160



0434 58 22 64

68AutoBug - May 15th, 2012 at 12:28 PM

Originally posted by DubLeg
I just need some rims for the headlights of a 1967 Baja I have. Stone guard would be pretty nice too.

Does anyone have any?

As David says, are the headlamps round??

I don't think I've ever seen oval headlamps in a Baja..

do You know if Your headlamps are off a Beetle??

as many other car headlamps can be used and VW rims may not fit... VW ones have the hole in the bottom to hold them on and a lug at the top ..

also they have two other adjustment screws in the rim..
so the headlamp is attached to the chromed rim..


DubLeg - May 15th, 2012 at 09:03 PM

Sorry I couldn't make it out tonight, I'll call you tomorrow

Calcool - May 16th, 2012 at 01:24 PM

Hi Dubleg,

I have them with me today at Murarrie.

Give me a call.



DubLeg - May 19th, 2012 at 11:09 AM

Sorry for the jerk around, I have tonsillitis now too. So I won't be seeing you this weekend