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Too quiet after Bill's departure
cb john - August 18th, 2014 at 07:53 PM

Is there anything going on in the world of Country Buggies?

11CAB - August 18th, 2014 at 09:50 PM


aircooledjake - August 19th, 2014 at 09:20 PM

Is this the orange one that was on eBay??

aircooledjake - August 19th, 2014 at 09:24 PM

John I was also wondering, your repair panels you make, if you still do them... Do you have a pricing a list at all for when we go to fix ours up in the near future, or list of what you do... And a rough turn around?
Cheers jake

11CAB - August 20th, 2014 at 10:15 AM

Originally posted by aircooledjake
Is this the orange one that was on eBay??

Nope, I've had it for a few years now. Painted in camo colours.
Just finally starting on the rust repairs

omr_007 - October 9th, 2014 at 09:12 AM

Who's looking after new submissions to the register after Bill's passing?

ztnoo - October 19th, 2014 at 12:34 AM

Even though I haven't been around much since Bill's passing, I would agree there has been an odd, almost eery silence since his death. He was so active here communicating what he knew about CBs and their owners, I'm not sure anyone can fill the void left. His death was a huge blow to the VW community at large, and the CB enthusiasts in particular.

Your question "Who's looking after new submissions to the register after Bill's passing?" was among others I had the day I learned of Bill's unexpected death. Other things that occurred to me were:

--- What will become of all the contact and location information Bill assembled over the years about CB owners and there locations? To my limited knowledge, Bill was the hub of that data, and was likely the only one with access to it.

--- Bill also had knowledge of where rare and very difficult to find parts and bits were located .....What has become of that info?

--- What about all the electronic files and well as the hard copy paper documents collected by Bill? What will (or has) become of this information? Is it all lost or destroyed now, still sitting right where it was the day of his death, or passed on to another CB enthusiast who preserve it and add to the body of knowledge?

--- Anyone here have any insight or knowledge into what has become of all of the information Bill assembled over the years? Was there ever a general plan by Bill to preserve it or pass it along to someone?

Here in the States, a spouse is generally the inheritor of a partner's real and personal property, unless otherwise specified in a legal document such as a will which dictates the disposition of an individual's property after their demise. If Bill had no such direction in writing, his spouse would have legal possession of the property we are discussing and would be in control of same.......if it still exists. If Bill had not specified what was to become of his body of work, it would now be his wife's property. Often however, after a death of a family member, property of the deceased is forgotten, misplaced, even destroyed. Bill may have made detailed plans about what was to become of all his information.......however, it is more likely he had NO PLANS about preserving it and passing it along. His death was unexpected and came as a shock. As such, all this info may mean or have little importance to his family, and may be or have been, the last thing on their mind.

It would be a terrible loss and a real shame to think Bill's years of dedication and work expanding the body of knowledge and the hobby of owning and preserving CBs were lost. If anyone here was good friend's with Bill and his family and wishes to see his work saved, perhaps a gentle inquiry into the disposition and fate of this data might be in order.
It would be a terrible loss to the CB community to see all this hard work destroyed or unavailable for access.

Steve Koontz
Indiana, USA