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Hello CB folk from KO 702
Paulhvb - May 29th, 2008 at 04:38 PM

Hello CB folk, I,m a virgin at this forum thing so please forgive my mistakes...Stumbled on this site early this year and am totally stoked, love it. it keeps me going with the restoration when time and money is short.The reason for finally going to air is I,m wanting to find out if the air cleaner set up on the CB is an original set up or is it taken from another vw, as was so many parts of the CB. ie. mine is missing.Would appreciate members thoughts on this.
Chow for now Paul, Hervey Bay Qld

11CAB - May 29th, 2008 at 05:27 PM

Hi Paul, good to see you've found us.

Can I get you to send me some pics of your Country Buggy to:

I'll add them to the country buggy gallery 

And if you havent already added it to the Country Buggy Register, then get in contact with Bill Moore 

Pault - May 29th, 2008 at 05:29 PM

Hi Paul,

It's always good to hear from other CB owners. I live in Rockhampton Qld (KO200).

I'll try get a picture of my setup, which I presume is the original setup but not sure, however there are people on this forum who know everything about these buggy's so i'm sure you'll get a few replies.

Hey are you interested in posting a few pictures for everyone to see?

Catch you later.


Paulhvb - May 29th, 2008 at 07:26 PM

Wow how quick a response from CB folk... Will have a go at the pics via 11CAB,s offer as am not the most computer savvy person, will sort this weekend. maybe Bill Moore might be able to find some I send when I first got CB about 3 years ago. Not a lot has happened body wise, but motor has been sorted, I believe it is the original.In short I new of this CB for about 10 years, and ended up swapping it for my 72 VW Kombi van slash camper. At present CB is buried behind boat project, both going slow till I finish adult apprentiship as sparky, but daughter informs me CB must be finished for High school formal!!
Thanks Paul from Rocky for pic offer will study, at present it has a donadlson type set up, will try to photo and put on site or have a Beetle set up, but would like to go original if possible.
Chow for now Paul

68AutoBug - May 29th, 2008 at 10:38 PM

I'm guessing but I believe the air cleaner may be from a Kombi - type 2...



VWCOOL - May 30th, 2008 at 07:56 AM

Heya Paul, Welcome, yes the aircleaner and intake pipe is from 'other' VWs so don't stress too much!

wow, a CB at a school formal - that will be a sight to see

Paulhvb - May 30th, 2008 at 05:27 PM

Thanks for the good news folks. Now I know where to start looking.. Will send pics of CB to 11CAB to post on my behalf once I get some, at present lost last ones and weather here is not flash 100mm of rain in last 24 hours heaps more to come, so will have to wait till late next week to take some more. Thanks again chow for now Paul

11CAB - May 30th, 2008 at 06:13 PM

I'll post them here as well as add them to the Gallery when they come through.

Pault - June 2nd, 2008 at 09:48 PM

Here's a picture of my aircleaner setup. I don't think it's original.

cb john - June 2nd, 2008 at 10:49 PM

Closer to original seems to be on KO 519 picture 9 of 29 in the Manx CB gallery.

11CAB - June 3rd, 2008 at 06:25 AM

Here ya go

Paulhvb - June 3rd, 2008 at 07:38 PM

Thanks for the pics folks...make,s me almost ashamed of my engine bay.. but one day I strive for the neat clean look. Paul from Rocky yours doen,t look to far of the mark.Out of interest what Type 2 vintage do fellow CB peoples think the origonal air cleaner came from? Had a look at a Type 2 Repair times Manual I have and could not see any close resembelance...Will do pics of CB, but weather still challenging, "Bogged" is the first word that comes to mind if I do move anything at this point in time.Chow for now Paul Hervey Bay.

LUFTMEISTER - June 3rd, 2008 at 09:24 PM

split window kombi unit 63 to 67

Paulhvb - June 4th, 2008 at 04:06 PM

Thanks Dubb61 for the pointer, will hassel a mate of mine with some spares of that era, I hope...Chow for now Paul

11CAB - June 15th, 2008 at 05:47 PM

Here are the pics.....Thanks Paul I've added them to the Gallery.

ztnoo - June 15th, 2008 at 10:59 PM

This CB looks a bit rough around the edges, but looks like an excellent starting point for a restoration.
I've seen pics of much, much worse conditions.
cb John's CB comes to mind.
If he can R & R his, this one will be like a picnic at the beach.


Paulhvb - June 16th, 2008 at 06:30 PM

Thanks very much for your help posting pics 11CAB, Hi to ztnoo,Yes I look forward to the restoration, though will be slow till mid next year, when apprentiship is over and hopefully the money tree will deliver!!!, am hopeing to find the original seats they are lost in the depths of the previous owners sheds at this point in time, we r still looking....
Chow for now Paul

BUGBOY - June 16th, 2008 at 07:20 PM

I had to find one for my CB.
I found 3 different types.

When fitted:

One the inlet points to the fire wall

One the inlet points to the rear of the buggy.

One other also points to the fire wall but the outlet to the carby is not in the correct position.

I never really found what the correct one came off, I think it was a split screen bus, but not sure what year etc.

Also had trouble finding the correct elbow thats on top of the carby, so many pointed the wrong way! LOL

Paulhvb - June 17th, 2008 at 07:44 PM

Thanks for the info BUGBOY, scares me a little, looks like u put a lot of effort into the search, with no final perfect outcome...what did u settle for? must say appreciate the pics and diagrams sent by fellow forum folk, it will make it a lot easier to finish the engine bay when the time approaches, out of interest Pault from Rocky your regulator is shown to the side of bay not on genie, is your CB 12 or 6 volt? ie my genie is dead looking into solutions, CB 702 had a make shift 12 volt set up using an alternator tacked on the side with an extra pully tacked parallel on the old genie pully to drive it.Mmmm will cross this bridge later....Chow for now Paul

BUGBOY - June 17th, 2008 at 07:53 PM

Originally posted by Paulhvb
Thanks for the info BUGBOY, scares me a little, looks like u put a lot of effort into the search, with no final perfect outcome...what did u settle for? must say appreciate the pics and diagrams sent by fellow forum folk, it will make it a lot easier to finish the engine bay when the time approaches, out of interest Pault from Rocky your regulator is shown to the side of bay not on genie, is your CB 12 or 6 volt? ie my genie is dead looking into solutions, CB 702 had a make shift 12 volt set up using an alternator tacked on the side with an extra pully tacked parallel on the old genie pully to drive it.Mmmm will cross this bridge later....Chow for now Paul

Don't be scared......LOL...........I found one it was just hard to ask for one over the phone etc.
Best to take a picture with you to a vw workshop and show them what your after.
I have seen them since, just don't reall know what type of kombi its from?