Hi, I just found the forum and have had a good look around, thought I should post a photo of my CB purchased back in 1977, pretty original unit from a farm.
Your CB looks to be in pretty decent shape for 31 years of personal use.
Tell us more.
We need more pics too.
Graham will latch right on to them for his CB gallery!
Yeah G'Day and welcome to the forum..... we definately need more pics and I'll add them to the Country Buggy Gallery.
Check out the link below.
I bought the CB at a clearing sale in Romsey back in 1977 for $600.00. It has been registered a few times, but is currently off the road in storage. I
think its done about 19,000 Miles
I am tied up for the next few weeks, as soon as I can I will get her out of storage and take more photos, I might even look back through some of my
old albums as I am sure I have some good old buggy photos. it would be good to see the CB included in the gallery.
One day it would be good to get all the local Victorian CB's together.
Welcome Bruce, very nice looking buggy.
Would be good to see some more pictures, maybe post them up in the members CB section.
How did you hear about the forum or was it just pot luck.
Hi Nathan,
It was just pot luck, fooling around on the net last week I came across the site, cant believe that there is so much interest in these units.
If you pull it out of storage and your ready to go bush let us know, we often head up near Lacola etc, nothing hard just good fun!
Even worth just being on club plates $88 a year.
I pretty sure we have met before, do you also have a hardtop for your CD?
Yes I think I remember did we meet at The Day of the VW a few years ago? yes I have a fiberglass hard top as well. I must join the club as I would
like to get it back on the road with club plates.
Gota go back on line in a week or so.