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Country Buggies in the U.K?
funkmaster red - August 26th, 2009 at 11:58 AM

There are supposedly 3 country buggies in the U.K but i only know of two. The other one i know of ('slam box') is up for sale at the moment and when i find out who ends up buying it, i'll make sure they know to register on the forum as it's an invaluable resource for info.

The 3rd country buggy is a mystery to me and i'm going to do my best to track it down. The only reason i know of its supposed existance is through Bills CB registry but the details on there for it are limited. He's coming to the U.K in a couple of weeks and said he might be able to meet up with me so i'll have to ask him where/how he found out there was a 3rd.

Does anyone have any info on how the 3rd CB listed as being from the U.K came to be on the register?

Thanks all, Chris.